Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Derby Fever

Since we didn't need anything in particular from the farmers market this week, we grabbed coffee at Day's and watched the marathon for a while and pulled weeds. I saw the first runner go by and it was more than a minute before the second one. I took the first guy's photo and figured Mr. Number 2 was too far to catch up. Wrong. He won.  I also took the first woman's photo, but I don't know if she won.

Our next stop was the Cherokee Triangle Art Fair, a favorite of ours, where I can always count on seeing my quilt artist friend, Jude. And this year, a new addition-Sylvia! She is so precious and held her arms out right away for me to hold her. Sweet. I decided to add another of Jude's skirts to my closet, this one, a wrap-around in hand dyed aqua silk with silk screened flowers in aqua and french blue with a dusty grape patterned tie. Photo to come.
We got there in time for a parade that reminded me of the tall, exaggerated characters that were in the parade in Poland when I was there. I love Derby week.

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