Saturday, June 13, 2009

Farmers Market Day

Today, as most Saturdays for us, we trekked to the farmers market. I was thrilled to see that sunflowers had arrived by the buckets full. This celery looked and smelled specially good and reminded me that I had delicious chicken stock in the freezer that would be a good beginning to some soup with this celery and the carrots.
I can't pass up a blueberry. I'm crazy about them but usually don't keep them in the house when Amy comes to visit. She loves them, too, but is allergic to them.
I had my first peach of the season, bought my first cucumber, missed the purple cauliflower again, but was promised one next week.
Now, why do I try to grow basil, with limited results I might add, when I can buy this for a dollar?
A woman from Indiana brings plants and these sweet bouquets in Dixie cups. They usually last all week! A whole lot of happy in a little Dixie cup.


donna said...

I hope you always post about your weekly trips to FM. Do you know the names of the pink dixie cup flowers? Sorry about Amy and blueberries. I can smell the soup way up here!

Yogi said...

Love the colorful pics. Soup sounds scrumptious.
PS it's more than just the coils its the MACHINE too. Pretty niffty eh!!

sue said...

Well, I hope we have as much at our market tomorrow. It has been a slow start. I miss our flower vendor who did the dixie cups for 4 bucks. She's only doing weekend markets now and is at the St. Matthews market only. We have a market here at U of L on Thursdays now so I can go twice in one week if I want.

Beth Akins said...

Should I dare say my dixie cup of flowers is 2.50? She went up from 2.00 last year (or maybe it was the year before). I hope to be at your market tomorrow. Also hoping for a "Sue" sighting!