Did I say fall is present at the market already? The nice yellow-brown sunflowers were in abundance and darker vegetables.My three same variety sunflowers are on the dining room table now.
I spied a return of radishes, don't they look great? And I couldn't pass up the variety sweet peppers. The one in the back right of the pepper photo is called "Sweet Chocolate" -sweet! I got my lettuce from him, too. A sure sign of fall-the return of cool weather crops. I love the red sunflower with the little buds hanging off the stem. It got a small vase of its own and is in the living room. Ah, fresh-picked leaf lettuce!
The corn was plentiful at the vendor next to the pepper/radish/sunflower/lettuce guy. I got 6 ears and plan to cut off the corn from 4 and freeze it for later use.
Remember the heirloom tomato guy who used seed from his dad's plants? I bought these from him. He thinks this is the last week for tomatoes from his place.
Our free range chicken guy was back from Ethiopia and had pictures of his 5 month old son, Abe. Cute, cute, cute! We (ok, we all know that means Jim) are cooking a whole chicken this week instead of a cut-up one.
I managed to snag an apple dumpling this week as we got to the market earlier than usual and the crowd was light. Got a loaf of Theresa's bread, too. Bruschetta is definitely in my future.
I missed out on Tuberose last week but bought one stem this week. It smells good for a whole week. I put it in my bedroom. Won't it be nice to go to sleep and wake up to that sweet smell?
Today was omelet day. We didn't even have to wait in line! The omelets had beets, potatoes, basil, goat cheese, Kenny's cheese, a bunch of other yummy veggies and were topped with chopped tomato and fresh sliced radish.
There was a message when I got home from my mother who wanted goat cheese wrapped in chestnut leaves for her book club meeting Monday. So, back to the market for another purchase. There was quite a crowd by then.
It's a beautiful farmer's market day.