Saturday, June 19, 2010

Farmers market 6/19

It's farmers market day again! I awoke to thunder and rain this morning but by the time I got up and dressed it had quit so we headed out to the market.  Rain wouldn't have changed that but it sure is more fun without it. First stop carrots! Also another of those cabbages which are arrowhead cabbage. I also got the yellow cucumbers from the first farmer-before the end of the season, I will know the name of the farm. Gee. Next, yellow squash-clearly more grilling in the future this week. Also the yellow cauliflower was fantastic on the grill last week, so another was purchased today. More blueberries, some potatoes and how about that kale!? I think some soup is coming with that. I used up all of my eggs making egg muffins so got another dozen. We decided to try some of our chicken guy's beef today and got some kabob meat. Going by Claire's flowers just makes me happy. I couldn't pass up this great tall, red Lobelia. I'll find a place for it. The red is just spectacular! I also bought a Dixie cup bouquet today, my first of the year. I got the other flowers from Bill. He seemed proud to have put together this great bouquet with the gooseneck loosestrife, which I love (he threw in two more stalks of that) for the bargain price of three bucks! He is the widower of Teresa who died this spring. He comes each week with herbs and flowers. I hope to buy something every week. I told him that I sure do miss her and especially her food! Another bountiful week of farm goodness. Lucky us.


Yogi said...

bountiful is right. What a wonderful haul. It just makes me smile to see all those glorious colors. Interesting plant.

Allison said...

wow! you got some wonderful stuff from the market. i'm going to have to try those egg muffins sometime. they look good!

Sue said...

Now thinking I just HAVE to give some egg muffins a try.