Friday, May 01, 2009

Oaks Day

I didn't go to the Oaks today, but instead got ready for a trip to the KY Derby tomorrow. I doubt we'll stay until race time, predictions are for cool, rainy day, but we'll go for awhile, because we have passes! So, today, I decorated a barrette for hair adornment, instead of a traditional hat. I have a lovely Frank Olive hat my friend, Karen, gave me and I may wear it, if I wear the pink and brown skirt and coat, but not in a downpour with no seat. It can also go with this pink and black tweed jacket and black slacks. They were both "donate items" from a consignment shop where Karen works. I don't know why someone didn't buy them. I thought they were cute as can be! The jacket is part of a skirt suit. Anyway, I think my decorated barrette can substitute and still be festive. My friend, Dee, will get a kick out of it, it is a step up from my past Derby weekend hat which usually came from K Mart and had some flower candle rings (that could encircle a taper candle) pinned to it as decoration. We always got a good laugh out of that. Dee was meticulous with her hat creations. I'm better with paper.

1 comment:

donna said...

I don't know Frank Olive hats but I bet it's not better looking than your decorated barrette. Love the talk of pink and brown skirts and coats and a pink and black tweed jacket. Made my head spin:)