Sunday, October 30, 2011

Well, it was mostly about the fun!

OK. I had to keep the pumpkins in the picture for interest.  Amy, Jim and I headed out on this 30 degree day with our mandatory first stop at Day's for coffee.
We took the wagon since Amy needed to return a tote of camping supplies from her sister-in-law's wedding last week to a friend near the market.
Kristen, Ez and O met us at the market which made it all about fellowship and not much about the food gathering for the week!
I headed to the flower peeps-the last week for flowers :(-
before they got there and snagged these sunflowers and one tuberose that's in a vase in the window.
Aren't the colors beautiful in this squash?

Love these!
Then, we had omelets, oatmeal, apple cider and some pound cake. I grabbed a spaghetti squash and a pound of bison (in freezer) on the fly as we left to head to the airport.

Lots of photos and coffee

And hot chocolate

O had fun eating and drinking cider which required a clothing change mid-market

Who doesn't like a wagon ride?


lindalou said...

Although it looks a little chilly, it looks like you had a great day. What fun.

Food pictures are finally up.

Have a great week.

donna said...

Brown-haired boys...I can't resist them. He keeps getting more and more handsome. Little O so pretty in pink and looking like she doesn't have a care in the world.

Reading your posts and seeing your photos reminds me of how much I miss blogging. I need to stay of fb and stick with the blogs. Don't seem to be able to do both.
