Friday, July 17, 2009

Blessing Box

I always enjoy a trip over to kind over matter. Today's post has a wonderful printable box and blessings to go in it. They call is an box of affirmations. But, I think of blessings beginning with "May you" or "May I". Wouldn't it be fun to get one out everyday and think about and try to live it? This is the one I made today. My paper is cardstock with a pattern on both sides, a very subtle variation. You could cut the box and blessings out and mail it unassembled to someone. They could glue it together very easily.
I'm crazy about mine! Thanks to the folks at kind over matter.


donna said...

You and Sue are just about the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful people I know. Faye would also be one of those people. We had dinner with Faye & Bob on our way through Nashville. Your creative mind must work overtime to come up with so many artistic ideas.

Yogi said...

very nice. I remember seeing this box somewhere else recently too and putting it in the back of my mind to make one day. I don't think the one I saw had blessings in it though.